How to Choose a Book Topic

Photo by Jennifer Ann Birge

If the idea of writing a book has been in your heart for a long time, then you probably already have an idea of what kind of book you’d love to write. However, it’s also possible that you have MANY ideas for possible books that you could write. In that case, how in the world do you choose?

I believe the best book idea is the one that chooses you! It’s the one that was already written in your soul contract for you to write in this lifetime even if you have no human memory of planning to do so.

It’s the one that pours out of you and smoothly into your book proposal as time slips by around you without you even realizing you have been sitting there for hours totally geeking out about all of the wonderful insights you can pour into it!

Most of the time, you can already feel deep down in your soul which one of your ideas feels the most ripe. However, here are a few more factors to keep in mind to help you decide which idea you’re fully ready to commit to:

  1. Time & Energy – Writing and publishing a book obviously takes quite a significant amount of time. You’ll need to be willing to eat, breathe, and bathe in your subject for many, many months as you are writing it and taking it through the publishing process! Then, once the book is published, you’ll need to be able to maintain the same momentum in your excitement – if not elevate it even more – to market it and invite people to read it.

    This is why it’s a good idea to pick a book idea that you cannot possibly imagine falling out of love with, even if you have to talk about it over and over, and over again to endless people over the course of many years.

    Picture yourself in 1-2 years from now… will you still be excited to share about this subject? When people ask you about your book, will you still be excited for them to read it?
  2. Special Experience – Readers love connecting with authors who have had interesting personal experiences with the subject they are sharing about! Especially if your book is nonfiction, it’s super important that your readers feel they can trust you and what you share about your subject.

    We always love to get an insider’s perspective rather than just a high-level overview of a subject that could easily be Googled and researched by reading many books in the same genre.

    Which of your ideas do you have the most personal experience with? Where do you hold special experience that cannot possibly be replicated by another author in your chosen genre? What is it about you that is special, different, or stands out from the crowd of other authors who may be considering writing a similar type of book?
  3. Embracing the Spiritual Journey – When we have an idea for a nonfiction book, we often come at it from the perspective that we have somewhat mastered that subject to a reasonable degree. However, what often happens is that you’ll discover a lot more about yourself and your subject that you may not have expected while you are in the process of getting your thoughts, ideas, and research down on paper.

    This doesn’t just come from your writing process – it comes from the signs, symbols, and experiences that will arise in the world around you. The universe often wants to ensure that you are a true expert on your topic and will throw interesting experiences your way to make it so!

    So, if you are writing a book on overcoming fear, are you sure you’re fully prepared to overcome your fears? If you’re writing a book on self-love, are you ready to fully embody a person who truly loves themselves and puts in the effort to prove it—not just to your readers but to yourself and the universe? If it’s a book on healing, are you ready to fill in the blanks on any healing YOU still need in that area?

    Writing a book can be a healing, spiritual experience for both the author and the readers. Be prepared not only to walk your talk but also to turn the intensity dial way up in the area of your life that has to do with your subject as the Universe initiates you into becoming a FULLY tried-and-true expert on a soul level.

After reading these three factors, which of your book ideas have made the cut? And if you’re already a published author, is there anything else you would add to this list that helped you choose your topic?

If any of your topic ideas have NOT made the cut, then maybe they’re still worth holding on to until a later date, during another chapter of your life, when you’re feeling more in resonance with the factors above. So, don’t be so quick to completely toss them away!

At the end of the day, it’s not about writing the book that will make you appear the most impressive. Your main goal should always be to focus on being of service to the people in the world who absolutely need to read your book as part of their soul mission and journey. The right idea comes to you for a reason, and it is being channeled through YOU for a reason because you are the perfect conduit and conveyer to spread that message to the world.

The good news is that once you have decided to write it, the Universe won’t let you write your book alone. All the right guides will show up to surround you and help you channel the words through you—both in spirit and human form!

Even though I felt confident in my book’s subject, I remember feeling very nervous about writing my first book, and one of my human guides (who channels spirit) told me, “It’s already been written.” Knowing that my soul chose to do this and, in some quantum universe, a copy of my book had already been written helped me take the pressure off myself and just let it flow. 🌊

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One Response

  1. I loved this. It truly resonates with me. I am in the process of writing my book and it has definitely been channeled. Thank you for these words and for all your amazing work.

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