Meet our Editor & Book Coach: Charlotte Chipperfield
What is a book coach and editor exactly, and how can you partner with one to refine your manuscript and turn your book into a page-turner? Get to know Charlotte and how she can help you bring your story to life and make it as strong and impactful as possible as you write and publish your book with the support and guidance of a team.
How do you know if you’re “READY” to write a book?
Everyone knows that writing a book is a pretty big undertaking. This is exactly why published authors are so well-respected! It definitely takes a serious commitment, so how do you know if you’re ready not only to write a book but also to devote yourself to everything else that comes along with it?
The 3 Keys to Writing Productivity
Writing a book is a long-haul project—it’s not something that can usually be completed in a single month or even two. It can be easy to lose momentum and passion for your project when so many other things in life seem so much more urgent. How can you stay committed and do the work to actually make your book-writing happen?
How to Choose a Book Topic
If the idea of writing a book has been in your heart for a long time, then you probably already have an idea of what kind of book you’d love to write. However, it’s also possible that you have MANY ideas for possible books that you could write. In that case, how in the world do you choose?