Spiritual books on a shelf

Publish Your Book with Us

Your words, thoughts, and stories have the power to transform the world!

We believe in elevating the voices of spiritual entrepreneurs and thought leaders who are raising the vibration of the planet.

Our nonfiction books feature rich personal stories and new age wisdom that seeks to widen the horizons of what is possible for ourselves and for the world.

Be the change you want to see in the world by allowing your story to shine, and become a published author with us!

Turn your divine flow of inspiration into a lifelong legacy through the form of a book. You don't have to have your book written yet - our team will help with the whole process.

Let’s create book magic ✨

Our Publishing Flow

Let’s create book magic ✨

Our Publishing Flow

As an independent publishing house, you’ll pay up front to have your book published with us and then receive VIP treatment as we lead you through the entire process of writing, editing, design, marketing, and brilliantly sending your book out into the world. Then, you’ll keep the majority of royalties once it has launched!

As an independent publishing house, you’ll pay up front to have your book published with us and then receive VIP treatment as we lead you through the entire process of writing, editing, design, marketing, and brilliantly sending your book out into the world. Then, you’ll keep the majority of royalties once it has launched!

Write & Edit

You'll start by working with our book coach who will help you create an outline for your book and break it down into smaller writing sections over the course of 3 months. You'd be surprised how fast you can finally write the book you've been dreaming of with the accountability and caring support of a team!

After finishing the first draft, our editor will review your manuscript and make suggestions for updates and edits. You'll then have time to fine tune everything to make sure you're super happy with it, and we'll send it to a small group of your ideal readers to ensure it inspires, educates, and entertains them to the highest degree.

Design & Publish

While you are teasing content to your audience to get them prepared for your big book debut, our designers will get to work creating cover designs for you to pick from and laying out the contents of your book beautifully. We want you to love the final design, so you will be the key decision maker in the design process.

Meanwhile, we'll work out all of the technical information, copyright details, ISBNs, library registration details, printing, and everything else that is required to get your book professionally formatted and published as a high-quality printed book, e-book, and audiobook according to top industry standards.

Market & Sell

As your publishing partner, we will be with you every step of the way from promoting a pre-order campaign before the launch of your book, to throwing an online launch party, organizing a podcast tour, and co-creating other exciting marketing campaigns with you for the first year your book is published.

We'll also do our best to help your book attract international language translation deals - so you can spread your story far and wide AND receive your ROI.

Meanwhile, you'll receive ongoing royalty payouts for the lifetime of your book along with transparent sales statements.


Meet the Team

We also work with professionals in library cataloging, foreign rights, audio production, etc.


Meet the Team

Natalie Walstein
Publisher & Creative Director of Marketing

An avid reader, published author, and former astrologer and hypnotherapist, Natalie’s current calling is to help elevate the vibration of the planet through beautiful spiritual books that help us establish more uplifting belief systems, trust the universe and love ourselves more, and become a more loving human community. She’s passionate about creating a more progressive publishing pathway that honors new age authors and the important messages they have to share.
Charlotte Chipperfield,
Her Narrative
Editor & Book Writing Coach

As a certified life coach, developmental editor, and speaker, Charlotte offers coaching and editing services tailored to meet your needs. Whether you’re seeking guidance to navigate life’s challenges during the writing process, support to bring your book to life, or assistance in refining your manuscript, she’s got you covered. Charlotte works with our authors closely during their writing process to provide guidance and accountability before providing a full Manuscript Review.
Jennifer Ann Birge,
Coral Antler
Cover Design, Illustration & Photography

Jennifer provides intuitive design for conscious babes who put their heart and soul into serving others to awaken the collective. She believes that when you are aligned with passion and positive intention, it radiates and inspires. Your soul’s work has an energetic vibration and it deserves to be seen. Living her soul purpose involves channeling the divine feminine through art and design that reveals the authentic essence of your soul gifts.

We also work with professionals in library cataloging, foreign rights, audio production, etc.

Why Work with Us


Everything You Need

Our publishing pathway includes everything you need to professionally publish your book as a print book, e-book, and audiobook including accountability and coaching to help you write the book in the first place! 


Maintain Creative Control

You’re the boss of your book! We are here to support you in creating your masterpiece, which means you can approve or deny any suggestions we make.


Bookstores & Libraries

We follow best industry practices for attracting booksellers, retailers, and libraries to help spread your book far and wide beyond just the internet.


Language Rights

We’ll also place your book in front of foreign publishers who may wish to purchase the rights to translate your book into other languages to be sold in other countries.


Marketing Support

We’ll work with you while your book is in production and long after its launch to co-create exciting marketing campaigns that speak to your ideal reader and promote lifelong sales.


Royalty ROI

Our goal is to help you earn back your investment with 70% on ALL profits and consistent, transparent sales statements that help us see how well our joint marketing efforts are paying off.

“Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”


You may also be wondering...

Although we’re an independent publisher, our production process meets traditional industry standards, which means your book will take approximately 12 months to become available for purchase. (This includes time to write the book.)

Most of this time is spent on the actual publishing pathway which involves getting beta readers and professional trade reviews – a MUST for getting your book sold in stores & bought by libraries. If you are only interested in selling your print book / e-book online OR your manuscript has already been written, we can bypass some of these steps for a quicker launch (6-8 months from project start).

This is why it’s so important to start NOW! The world needs your message as soon as possible, and we will get it out there in a beautifully designed and produced way that you will be truly proud of sharing with the world.

With traditional publishing – a.k.a. the old paradigm – you would have to create a professional book proposal, land a literary agent, and have them shop your books out to publishing houses in the hopes you will get a book deal. If you do eventually receive an offer, you would receive an advance payment and keep only 4-12% of royalties on the sales that are made of your book. Often, you are left hanging after the launch to market your book on your own. There is no guarantee that your book will continue to be printed or made available long-term, and the publisher owns the rights to do whatever they would like with your work without asking or even telling you.

With our independent publishing model, you will invest in your book upfront, receive expert guidance and loving support throughout the whole process including well beyond post-launch, and keep 70% of ALL profits including foreign language rights deals (which is on the highest end for most independent publishing).

You do not need to have a large following to begin as we will work with you to help you build up your author platform DURING the publishing process. We are not only your publisher, we are your business partner, and because we earn a percentage (30%) of the royalties, we are also invested in the success of the marketing efforts of your book and getting it out there to help the most amount of people.

The biggest issue aspiring authors face is actually writing the book. Almost everyone says they want to write a book someday, but how many people actually do it?

We know how much easier the writing process becomes when you have a cheerleader who can help you set benchmarks and hold you accountable with your writing goals so you can finally make this dream happen.

Our book coaching program is a big part of what helps set us apart from other publishers.

Your book coach will be there to check in with every 2 weeks to answer questions about overcoming procrastination, increasing productivity, prioritizing your writing practice, AND about the structure of your book as they come up along the way with warmth and compassion for where you are at in your journey.

While you will be free to write to your heart’s content during the first three months, she will also be the one to review your manuscript and suggest helpful improvements after your first draft is complete.

We believe in the power of your message and want your book to become part of the legacy you are leaving behind to help raise the vibration of this planet and make a lasting impact!

We do this by working with you to create the highest quality book possible so that it will be attractive to book sellers and readers alike while setting up your book for optimal success in the market AND offering marketing consulting for the life of your book.

We also work with you throughout the publishing process to build your author platform, grow your online following, prepare for a successful pre-order launch, set up a podcast launch tour, and continue to keep momentum going well after your book is released by co-creating exciting marketing campaigns.

Books have the power to elevate your reputation, sell exponentially more of your offerings, and attract more opportunities to share your message beyond your book. Although we focus heavily on promoting book sales, the end result is not just about book sales but the ways in which your book can open the door to further opportunities as a part of this longer-term investment in sharing your message in such a professional and widely accessible manner.

That being said, our #1 goal is to help you get your ROI and we will do everything we can to help make that happen!

Our standard publishing package includes ALL services required to bring your book from simply being an idea in your mind to becoming a stunning tangible product – a print book, e-book, and audiobook – plus post-launch marketing consulting for the lifetime of your book. We do offer a flexible payment plan to make this investment more feasible.

Please sign up below and we’ll send an information packet that will list full details on pricing and payment plans, the process, what is included, your responsibilities as an author, and what to expect.

Then, you’ll fill out our Book Proposal Form, and we can schedule a call to discuss your book idea in more detail and get all of of your burning questions answered before we begin!

We can’t wait to welcome you to the Divine Flow family and make this process of fulfilling your lifelong dream of becoming an author feel as dreamy as possible.


Ready to become an inspiring
published author with us?

We’re primarily looking for nonfiction books on spiritual, new age topics including but not limited to:

Intuitive development, energy work, channeling, spirit guides, the spirit world, starseeds, spiritual money / business, tarot, astrology, numerology, human design, angels, ascended masters, chakras, kundalini, herbalism, holistic health and wellbeing, new age science & psychology, life after death, reincarnation, self-love, self-care, soul mission, mindfulness, manifestation, the divine feminine… just to name a few! 🌈

Our books feature rich personal stories where it’s easy to get to know, relate to, and trust the author.

We love it when you can share your useful and practical wisdom with your ideal readers with vulnerability and humility in a confident, casual, and contemporary tone.

If there’s a book idea in your heart you’ve been longing to bring to life, the first step is to request our Author Information packet to learn more:

Ready to become an inspiring published author with us?

We’re primarily looking for nonfiction books on new age topics including but not limited to:

Intuitive development, energy work, channeling, spirit guides, the spirit world, starseeds, spiritual money / business, tarot, astrology, numerology, human design, angels, ascended masters, chakras, kundalini, herbalism, holistic health and wellbeing, new age science & psychology, life after death, reincarnation, self-love, self-care, soul mission, mindfulness, manifestation, the divine feminine… just to name a few! 🌈

Our books feature rich personal stories where it’s easy to get to know, relate to, and trust the author.

We love it when you can share your useful and practical wisdom with your ideal readers with vulnerability and humility in a confident, casual, and contemporary tone.

If there’s a book idea in your heart you’ve been longing to bring to life, the first step is to request our Publishing Info packet to learn more.